Make A Loan Payment
Pay Your Vital FCU Loan Payment Online
You can now make payments to your VITAL FCU loan from another financial institution! Never worry about missing a payment again, with our easy online loan
Two Convenient Ways To Pay
Pay with your debit card
Please be aware that:
A $5.95 convenience fee will apply to each transaction
Credit cards are not accepted as forms of payment
Payments made before 11:00PM CST, Monday - Friday will post to your account the next business day
Payments made after 11:00PM CST, Monday - Friday will post to your account typically within 2 business days
These timeframes exclude weekends and federal holidays, which may delay posting the payment to your account
2. Pay via ACH with your routing and account number
There is no fee for ACH payments
Ability to setup recurring payments
ACH payments may take 3-5 business days to post to your account
There is a fee for any returned payment
To avoid convenience fees we have other options for you to make your loan payments!
Mail a check to PO BOX 5586 Spartanburg, SC 29304
In person at our Spartanburg Branch
eDeposit a check to one of your deposit accounts here and make a transfer via the mobile app
Bill Pay service